Computability and Logic:
celebrating the Alan Turing Year in Brazil
Special session of the Colloquium Logicae
Organized by:
the Centre for Logic, Epistemology and the History of Science – CLE at the State University of Campinas – UNICAMP
Sponsored by:
Science and Innovation Sector - British Consulate, São Paulo and FAPESP
September 12th 2012
14:00 - Opening and presentations
14:20 -15:40 - Round Table: Turing and the faces of a Machine
Prof. Dr. Walter Carnielli (UNICAMP, organizer)
Prof. Dr. Itala D`Ottaviano (UNICAMP)
Prof. Dr. Renata Wassermann (USP)
16:00- 17:30
Prof. Dr. Sue Black
Title: Did Twitter save Bletchley Park?
Next activity (December 2012)
As a planned next activity (scheduled for December 2012) we will receive at CLE- UNICAMP Prof. Dr. Barry Cooper, professor in the School of Mathematics of University of Leeds. Professor Cooper is the Chair of the Turing Centenary Advisory Committee, coordinating a huge range of Turing Centenary activities, and President of the Association Computability in Europe.